I love to read books ranging from autobiographies and political commentaries to romantic narratives and science fictions

chemist. writer. activist.
I graduated with an ACS certified chemistry with an emphasis in biochemistry BS degree from Hope College, Magna cum laude
I am excited to drive impact in the sectors of pharmaceuticals and chemical defense
I have researched at Hope College, New York University and Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division in the field of organic chemistry

I enjoy writing for the opinion section of various journalistic news outlets
I am passionate about diverse ideas to promote constructive dialogue and freedom of expression in an increasingly polarizing world
I have contributed to the Opinion sections of the Wall Street Journal, The Anchor (Opinion Editor), The Bell Tower, and The Gerald R. Ford Leadership Forum's website
I was a student reporter for The College Fix where I focused on news within higher education
I am active in politics where I promote modern conservatism and academic pluralism
I love attending political conferences, engaging in philosophical and political theory debates, meeting politicians, and connecting with others who share the same values
I served as the President of the Hope College Republicans, co-founded the Gerald R. Ford Leadership Forum at Hope College, a member of Young Americans for Freedom and have participated in Intercollegiate Studies Institute events

I recently gave a TED talk at TEDxHopeCollege with a speech titled "Transforming the Culture Around Conversation at College"
Watch the talk here,

what else?
I am a former cross country and track runner who follows the sport closely
I am always down for a crazy adventure, a phenomenal music concert or some city exploration
I am passionate about serving others and am currently a Peace Corps Volunteer teacher in Liberia, Africa.
I love to read books ranging from autobiographies and political commentaries to romatic narratives and sicence fictions